Sexy Garlic Stocking
Stockings available NOW $20 each (approx 1 lb)
Get your Stocking now while quantities last? These garlic bulbs are cured and will last for months ( sometimes up to a year in cool dark conditions)
Along with our new Ranch comes the added adventure of growing our own "Sexy Garlic"
What is Red Russian Garlic?
Red Russian hardneck garlic has an average of 4-5 cloves per bulb. It is a cold hearty garlic that can put up with soggy BC winters as long as it is planted in raised beds. It produces a scape that emerges in mid June which can be eaten or allowed to grow to maturity into umbel/bulbils (bulbils can be eaten or planted). This strain stores well and when harvested in July/August will store until December/January under proper conditions. Red Russian garlic should be planted in the fall. There are two types of Red Russian garlic: the rocambole type and the marbled purple stripe type... I believe ours is of the marbled purple stripe variety.
What does Red Russian Garlic Taste Like?
Red Russian garlic is a medium to hot garlic that sweetens when baked. It has a very "full bodied" flavor and it is sure to please the most discerning of garlic connoisseurs. It is a great all round garlic that is excellent when baked in the oven, used as a garlic for garlic bread, used in recipes, soups, stews, roasts and more! Your imagination is the limit
Why is it Sexy?
We have a novelty sexy stocking packaging that not only keeps your garlic for a long time but it looks sexy, wards off Vampires and just spices up your life! Great for gift giving...just in time for Halloween and Christmas!
$20 each
Shipping can be arranged and free delivery within Greater Vancouver!